The Long Walk from Uni to Your Dream Job 

The Long Walk from Uni to Your Dream Job 

Four years ago, as I came to the end of my time at university, I was ready to walk out of my graduation into my dream job. The job I had spent three years studying and working towards. A solid three whole years spent in the library with my head in a book… Maybe with the odd party thrown in-between here and there. When you start University you expect to leave knowing exactly what you want to do, but it is not always that easy. When I left I still wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to work in the media. I saw myself at the BBC perhaps Radio 1, a national newspaper or maybe a magazine. The easiest of jobs to get in to of course, so I naively thought or perhaps desperately hoped at the time.

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The BEST Festival

The BEST Festival
Were you one of the millions of people constantly pressing re-fresh on your computers Sunday morning, desperately hoping with each click you would be taken to the booking page to purchase a Glastonbury ticket?
I have never been to Glastonbury, but it’s not for want of trying. I have dragged myself out of bed with a hangover, ready and waiting for 9am to begin the battle for those tickets… and unfortunately, along with many others, all I had to show for it several hours later was repetitive strain injury.

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5 Things I Learnt at Visit London

5 Things I Learnt at Visit London

Never have 3 months gone as fast as they did during my internship at Visit London, but they do say time flies when you are having fun and that is most certainly what I was doing.

I had an amazing time as an Editorial Intern, not only was I working for a fantastic company, but got to have some incredible experiences; being a zookeeper for the day and seeing Beyonce to name a couple. Plus, I got to visit some great places in London, such as Kew Gardens, Buckingham Palace and the London Dungeons… and best of all I got to write about it.

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Scary Night in the Dungeon!

Scary Night in the Dungeon!

Gruesome history has got to be most interesting kind and I love being scared so I jumped at the chance to visit the London Dungeon which, in its brand new location on the South Bank, is bigger and better than before!

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Tweeting on Regent Street

Tweeting on Regent Street

Like most girls I love to shop, so I was extremely excited to be invited to an event a couple of weeks ago that involved just that!

I was privileged to join more than 100 other bloggers from across the world, including; Spain, Italy and New York, for Regent Tweet. This special, invitation only, shopping and lifestyle blogging event engages UK and international bloggers with Regent Streets unique fashion and lifestyle shops, bars, hotels and restaurants and as you can probably guess from the name involved a lot of tweeting!

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