Fireworks: bang out of order?

Fireworks: bang out of order?

Remember, remember the fifth of November… is actually quite a terrifying night for a lot of animals.   

Each year, thousands of people wrap up warm to head outside and watch in awe as fireworks shoot up into an explosion of bright colours high above their head. However, those loud bangs and flashes of light that we ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ over, can be incredibly frightening for our pooches. So those with dogs may well be at home, trying to comfort their four-legged friend instead. 


How to keep your dog cool in the heat

How to keep your dog cool in the heat

It’s hot, isn’t it? But, while we are sweating and feel like we can’t cool down no matter how many layers we strip off, we aren’t stuck in a fur coat that we can’t remove. Ours (fake fur, of course) were put to the back of the wardrobe as soon as the sun started shining. 

While we head straight for the sea or pool to jump in and out of the cool water, consume ice creams alongside ice cold drinks, all while wearing our most airy clothes – dogs don’t have this luxury. Instead, they rely on us to keep them cool in the heat. More than that, they rely on us to keep them safe. They can get both heatstroke and sunburn – which is more than uncomfortable, it can be incredibly harmful and potentially fatal. 

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Staffies named best breed but will this change opinions?

Staffies named best breed but will this change opinions?

Staffordshire bull terriers were named the top breed out of 100 on Britain’s Top Dog 2019. After the two and a half hour countdown on ITV, Ben Fogle and Sara Cox announced the country’s new favourite breed had taken the top spot from Labradors, who moved down to third place.

Nobody needs to tell me Staffies are the best, I have one – so I already know this. However, for a breed that is often, wrongly, stereotyped as ‘aggressive’ and ‘dangerous,’ this is a huge step in the right direction.

But, does this mean people are changing their opinions and seeing them for the loving breed that they really are? View Post
