8 questions to ask yourself before getting a dog


Along with many others, we got a dog at the start of lockdown. Not knowing what was to follow and naively thinking we may only work from home for a matter of weeks, we initially fostered him. However, a few months later, after much thought and consideration as to whether he would fit into our life post-pandemic, we decided to adopt him. 

In March last year, rescue centres were rehoming dogs faster than ever before. The Sunday before lockdown, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home alone had 1200 applications. Likewise, according to Dogs Trust, during the first month of restrictions, searches for ‘buy a puppy’ were up 120%. This high demand for them resulted in prices being more than doubled – but this didn’t deter those looking for a lockdown companion. 

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Fireworks: bang out of order?

Fireworks: bang out of order?

Remember, remember the fifth of November… is actually quite a terrifying night for a lot of animals.   

Each year, thousands of people wrap up warm to head outside and watch in awe as fireworks shoot up into an explosion of bright colours high above their head. However, those loud bangs and flashes of light that we ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ over, can be incredibly frightening for our pooches. So those with dogs may well be at home, trying to comfort their four-legged friend instead. 
