

On our mission to try as many different festivals as possible, this year we headed to Latitude, in Suffolk. Starting just three days after my birthday we thought this would be the perfect way to celebrate plus it is located in Suffolk, just two hours from where we live – slightly closer than the trek we made down to Boardmasters last year.

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Content Corner: June

Content Corner: June

Erik Lundqvist

Politics continued into this month as the snap election ended in a hung parliament – which meant Theresa May lost her majority and formed a worrying alliance with “her friends” in the DUP. Meanwhile, Labour increased their popularity, particularly among the youth. So, naturally, there was a lot of political content …

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The Power of Using Animals in Marketing

The Power of Using Animals in Marketing

Influencers have changed the game when it comes to marketing – these are people who have thousands, if not millions, of followers who look to them for inspiration and advice. They are seen as a trustworthy source for brand and product credibility, which is why you will see an image of them posing with a brand new Mulberry bag or enjoying a bottle of Echo Falls accompanied by the hashtag #ad.

The Body Shop has turned to influencers for its next campaign but no, it’s not Zoella or Tanya Burr that they’ve enlisted, it is Tuna, Toast and Mr Bagel who are a Chiweenie, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Chinchilla.

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Daddy’s Girl

Daddy’s Girl

I was always a bit of a daddy’s girl growing up – bar, perhaps, during my rebellious teenage years when I wanted to be an independent woman who knew better than anyone else and did the exact opposite of what she was told to do.

But, I have found that, the older I get, the more I understand where my parents were coming from and that, yes, they were right… *some* of the time (although I might not tell them that part!) And, actually, I now appreciate the time I do get to spend with them.

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Content Corner: May

Content Corner: May

Image via

In a politically charged month where debates got heated – for those party leaders that bothered to turn up, insults got thrown and truths got twisted – there has also been a lot of great content.

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