Should We Take Our Dogs To Work?

Should We Take Our Dogs To Work?

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Picture the scene – you are sat at your desk typing furiously away, it is 9am and you have an 8 hour day ahead of you. You are feeling stressed because although that may seem like a long time there are just never enough hours in the day and you have deadlines you aren’t sure you are going to be able to meet.

Then you feel a wet nose press into your leg, you look down and see puppy dog eyes looking up at you as a tail wags frantically back and forth.

You instantly feel calmer – and after a 10 minute break in the fresh air (so you aren’t cleaning poop off the office floor) and  giving your furry friend a tickle behind the ears – you feel ready to get back to work with renewed motivation. The result; you meet your deadlines and don’t feel drained at the end of the day.

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Content Corner: April

Content Corner: April

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April started as it does every year with April Fools Day, but this year the jokes seemed to fall a little flat – perhaps because so many things recently would have been the perfect April Fool, except that they weren’t. Donald Trump really is President of America, The Daily Mail really did put this on their front page, we really have left the EU and there really was some absurd threat of war with Spain over Gibraltar.

But, that aside, April has been another great month for content…here are a few of my favourites:

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Bucket List

Bucket list

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Last year, more than any before it, made me realise that you really don’t know what is around the corner or when something will pop up to turn life upside down and potentially change it both instantly and dramatically.

I turn 30 next year. I know – 30! Shit! Its not that I am scared of getting older (although I kinda am) but that there is so much more I wish I had done by now and so much I still want to do.

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Content Corner: March

March Content

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March, with both International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, is very much about celebrating females. The content this month definitely reflects that with strong, empowering, inspirational women as well as the issues still faced by many today. View Post


Our First Home

Our First Home

“Not very romantic, is it?… spending our Valentine’s evening with a mortgage adviser sandwiched between us…” I exclaimed, only half joking.

“I am doing something that shows I want to spend the rest of my life with you” he replied, “what could be more romantic?”

I melted – how could I argue with that?

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